Museum Weekly – 2

Welcome back to week 2 of museum weekly. First of all: thanks to all the positive feedback I got from reddit. It’s nice to know that people appreciate the work I’m putting into this.

I also got some nice suggestions from some users so I made the frames a bit more realistic and the font a bit more legible. Also there finally is a newsletter. Someone suggested tinyletter and so I made a signup form for you to use. All the upcoming issues of Museum Weekly will be sent right to your inbox and also be posted to this blog. So don’t hesitate and sign up now!

So, here is your next background.

This week you’ll be looking at 3 photographs by Christopher Butler, who is a photographer based in Los Angeles. His honest and lively photographs feature many of his friends and snapshots wich seem to be directly taken out of his life. I also encourage you to follow his tumblr and visit his website wich is named brilliantly.